Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #7 – Judges 11:1-13, 28-40
Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #6 – Judges 9:1-24, 50-57
Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #5 – Judges 8:22-35
Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #4 – Judges 6:11-18
Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #3 – Judges 4-5
Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #2 – Judges 3:7-30
Judges: God’s people pursue what they want and find the same ‘ol same ‘ol #1 – Judges 1:27-29; 2:10-3:6
Joshua: God Leads His People into the Promised Land #13 – Joshua 24:14-33
Joshua: God Leads His People into the Promised Land #12 – Joshua 23
Joshua: God Leads His People into the Promised Land #11 – Joshua 14:1-5; 18:11-28