St. Augustine, City of God – Tim Keller (early 5th century)

Augustine writes in response to those who claimed that the catastrophe of the sack of Rome in AD 410 by the Visigoths came because Rome’s traditional gods were angry that Christians were worshipping Jesus instead. He offers a devastating 5th-century critique of Rome’s polytheistic culture which seems equally apropos regarding a culture, 1600 years later,…

Covenant Generosity May 1, 2020

Dear Friends:       Today I received this note from our church treasurer, Jock Ochiltree.       Pastor Jay:       It’s time for some recognition for our congregation’s response to the financial needs of our church. Our cash reserve in the general fund had been slowly reducing over a number of years. As we entered the 3rd quarter…

pastoral response to coronavirus (covid-19)

An article from the EPConnection which is from the EPC website Pastoral response to the coronavirus Leave a reply Larry Hackman by Larry Hackman Executive Pastor, Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church Gig Harbor, Washington In AD 251, a plague struck the Roman Empire. We now believe it was measles, but then it was a devastating, mysterious…