Men’s Retreat 2024

About the Retreat

Covenant’s Men’s Retreat will be held Friday, September 20 through Sunday, September 22 at Lake Tahoe.  Join us at the Zephyr Point Conference Center for a weekend of relaxation, challenging Bible Study and building relationships with each other and with Christ.

Retreat theme

Christ is Your Life! (Colossians 3:1-4)

During the retreat we will look at several passages in the letter to the Colossians. Our aim is that as we behold the glory of God in Jesus we will walk in a manner worthy of our Lord. And with the constant information and images and opinions that flow to us almost nonstop, we do well to heed Paul’s imperative to the church: set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory (3:2-4).


The cost for the retreat is $225 which includes all food, lodging and retreat sessions and materials.

Directions to Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center

The Zephyr Point Conference Center at Lake Tahoe will be the site for the Men’s Retreat.  Retreat  Registration will take place  at the Tahoe Center.  When you arrive at  Zephyr Point, take the road to the right of the office and drive to the bottom of the hill.   Each hotel style room will accommodate two people.  All bed linens and towels are provided.  Meals will be served at the Tahoe Center Dining Room. Retreat meetings will take place in Dobbins Hall just below Tahoe Center.



For offline registration please download a Men’s Retreat Brochure and registration card.  Fill out the registration form and mail or drop it off to one of the church offices, either Covenant or Sierra Presbyterian Church, along with a check made out to Covenant Presbyterian Church of Reno, or Sierra Presbyterian Church.  


If you have questions or need additional information please contact the Church Office at 775-746-8118 or Brent Ford.