Shoeboxes-operation christmas child

Shoeboxes are till available. Pick up one and return it on November 3rd, 10th or the 17th.

1. get your shoebox

Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. If you want to wrap it, cover the box and lid separately. You can use your own shoeboxes or order our colorful preprinted ones, available in both cardboard and plastic. These sturdy options hold up well and can be lasting gifts in themselves for children to store cherished items.

2. get your label

Whichever you choose, use the label to indicate on your shoebox whether it was packed for a boy or girl and which age category: 2–45–9, or 10–‍14.

3. Fill with gifts

Select a medium to large “wow” item such as a soccer ball with pump or stuffed animal, then fill with other fun toys, school supplies, and personal care items. Don’t forget to also include a personal note and photo—sometimes these are the child’s favorite things to receive!

4. bring back to church

Return Dates this year 11-3, 11-10, & 11-17.

a list of gift suggestions