The Evangelism Ministry Team seeks to serve God by encouraging, equipping and assisting our people in sharing the Good New of Jesus Christ wherever He calls us.
A meeting of Covenant’s Board of Deacons
As members of the Mission Ministry Team we seek to follow God’s command to “Go into the world and preach the Good News to all creation” by encouraging local and extended mission projects through prayer, involvement and financial support, by being stewards of the mission budget and by reaching out to Reno and the world…
The Administration Ministry Team, in thankfulness to God, serves as the steward of His financial, physical and individual resources for the blessing of the congregation and the glory of God. We meet the second Tuesday of each month. All are welcome to attend.
The annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party is one of the most popular (and sticky!) events held at Covenant. Children of all ages (including adults) are invited to decorate gingerbread houses with frosting and candy. The cost is $5 per house. Please sign up ahead so that we will know how many houses to prepare and…
Join us in celebrating the birth of our Savior at 6:30PM Christmas Eve
Join us in Celebrating the birth of our Savior at 9:00PM Christmas Eve